Elverion - Updated Mondays and Fridays
Elverion - Updated Mondays and Fridays
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Elverion - Updated Mondays and Fridays

Monday, June 23, 2003
12:00 AM

ok. page is updated on time, except it isn't the next page in the comic!! this is instead a sketch i'd been playing with, and i turned it into the coverpage for this chapter of the comic. i hope everyone likes it, and don't worry, we'll return to the comic on friday. the reason i put this cover up was mainly because i need more time for the next few pages. i no longer have any page layouts left for the rest of the comic! i have my script and all, but i need some time to plan out how the next few pages are going to look. once this is done, i'll be able to draw them much quicker, and hopefully i'll be back on track for updating then! the lack of layouts has been the main reason for the comics lateness. sorry bout that. but soon it'll be all better!

in case anyone is wondering why it says "monkey manga" on the page, the reason is because that is me! hmm... that sentance didn't make too much sense... it's like fred gallagher (aka piro) has a comic called megatokyo, but his company name is fredart studios. so for me, it would be christal ashton (aka stealthy monkey) with a comic called elverion and my company name is monkey manga. my friend jessica came up with this neat name! thankies jess! i hope that all makes sense for you people! :)

oh! and i updated the cast page.

Friday, June 20, 2003
11:06 AM

blarg! i forgot it was friday! i swear time just slips right past me! totally unfair1 oh well... i guess its a good thing i didn't post this page early bcuz the next page isn't ready yet. i got a neat sketch (well i think it's neat) almost ready, so maybe i'll post that on monday... who knows.

on other news. i finally got a job! yay for me! it was kinda funny how it happened, actually. first i got a job at the theater at the world exchange plaza, but then i got a call (before i started orientation) to show up for an interview at silvercity. i figured why not? world exchange is just a part time job, so maybe i can get two part time jobs! so i do my orientation which was pretty neat, and the next day i went to the interview. first off, there were like 250/300 people there for only 30 positions!!! and then in order to actually get an interview, we all had to do something stupid in front of everyone else!! i sang the meow mix song with the girl next to me (btw, we both got the job). and then, 3 hours later, i finally got my interview, and since i passed the screening interview, i got sent to another room for a second interview. then i waited about another 20min for a 10min interview. so i was there for like 3 1/2 hours! insane! but then the next day, they called and said i got the job! yay for me! the only problem was it was a full-time job... now i had to quit working at the world exchange, which was sad bcuz i really liked the people there! but i did, and now i work at silvercity! although i don't start orientation until tomorrow.... but now i can make money! so yay!

that's about all i have to say right now....

Wednesday, June 18, 2003
5:39 PM

ok. just letting people know that there definatly will be a comic on friday! it's already done actually, but instead of posting it now, i'm gonna wait until friday so that there will be at least one page for friday, in case i can't get another one together. i don't think that made too much sense. lemme sum up: 1 if not 2 pages for friday! yay!

Monday, June 16, 2003
4:37 PM

man. i should'nt make promises about this comic! every time i make a promise about updating one of my webpages, i promptly, unitentionaly, stop afterwards! it's terrible! and when i'm not planning on updateing, i update a million times! it's insane! i have another page almost ready, and i'm not gonna say when it's gonna be up bcuz it probably won't be, so lets just asume friday!

on another note, i might be getting an acount at keenspace! wouldn't that be exciting? i'm excited, so let's hope it works out! :)

Monday, June 9, 2003
10:48 PM

hey guys. i got one page finnished, i'll try and get a second one done sometime this week, along with fridays page, and something special... wow. that sounds like a lot more work then i want to do! haha

Sunday, June 8, 2003
12:00 AM (Midnight)

i'm sorry guys. i feel like i say that far too often with this comic. but i couldn't get the comic ready for friday. i've been super busy with cleaning related crap for the past three days. i still have more to do tommorow, and i'm so exausted. i've had like 12... no i suppose 15 hours with my nap today of sleep and i got church tomorrow and more cleaning. too much. so the comic won't be ready until TUESDAY at the latest. i'll try and get 2 pages done for tuesday, and maybe something a little extra for later that week! so don't check back here until tuesday because nothing will change until then.... probably most likely.

on a happier note, i gots me a job interview at one of the movie theaters in town on monday! so wish me luck everyone so that i can finally get a job and make some money!

HEY!! i just noticed that the counter has hit over 1000!!!!! woo hoo! thats super exciting! i didn't think that would happen so soon! ok. now theres definatly going to be something neat this week!! for real!

Thursday, June 5, 2003
12:08 PM

just thought i'd mention something about those super annoying popups with the site. as you may have noticed from loading the page that there are no popups this time, but instead there is a banner posted at the top of the page. i HAVE to have some sort of advertising go with the site because i'm using free hosting from Tripod (hopefully i'll move to a pay site soon), and since everyone hates popups, i've decided to try having a banner at the top of the site. i don't like it. i think it detracts from the sites design, but its the best i can do so far. if a lot of people have strong objections to the banners, and would prefer to have the popups back, then email me and let me know and i'll change it back. but for now, i'm gonna try the banners and see how that works. hopefully these forced advertisments won't last much longer. (and for those who are bewildered by my "cryptic" message, it means i'll be moving to my own domain within [hopefully] 2 months!)

Monday, June 2, 2003

Got mondays page all done, and it's still monday! woo for me! i'm not overly satisfied with this page. i wasn't sure what to do about this page... this page was origanly only half a page, but it didn't fit on the last page and it work work on the next page, so i had to squeeze it into a whole page, so i think it's not that great of a page... next page will be better... the page after even better!

by the way guys (you know who i'm refering to!), the picnic rocked!

Sunday, June 1, 2003
5:23 PM

I'M SUPER SORRY EVERYONE!! i had finished the comic and everything last night (as you can see from the post below), but i guess i actually forgot to upload it! i'm sorry if you guess checked here and didn't see a comic! sorry about that! i'll be sure to double-check from now on!

.: Posted by Christal Ashton

Elverion © 2003 Christal Ashton. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or reprinting strictly prohibited.
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