Elverion - Updated Mondays and Fridays
Elverion - Updated Mondays and Fridays
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Elverion - Updated Mondays and Fridays

Monday, April 28, 2003
5:30 PM

ok, page is now up. hope this makes you happy. took me forever to draw froe some reason. i think its bcuz i didn't want all my trees looking like brocoli!

oh, and for a short time, this picture was up to let people know the next page wasn't ready. but i've taken it down and it will eventually disapeer completly, but i think that pic is cute, so i'll let you check it out if you missed it!

10:36 AM

just added a new comic link on the side. it would be the big banner for a comic called "soul-d". it's pretty good! there arn't very many pages yet, but it still looks pretty interesting! i found out about it through the creator, Mary, bcuz she emailed me saying she found my comic and thought it was cute! and i thought that was super neat! shes the first person that i havn't met to have read my comic (that i know about), and so that was awesome! made my day, or rather night, bcuz i was going to bed at the time! haha! so check out her comic! i love her style! its sketchy but refined at the same time! its great!

about the comic.... it's nearly done, just gimme a little more time...

Friday, April 25, 2003
2:08 PM

new page up. fixed links on the side. added 2 new ones. tired. must sleep. exam on saturday. and wednesday. must do well. maybe no comic monday. we'll see.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003
12:38 PM

I just changed all my little linkups on the side to buttons, because i like it better that way. if its seriously impeding on peoples loading time, let me know, and change it back to text.

Sunday, April 20, 2003
11:01 AM

ok. updating just a smidge early, and i thought i was going to be late! haha! so what does everyone think of Rayne so far? I know we havn't seem much of him yet to really form an opinion, but i love this guy! he rocks! at least he does to me! we actually got a real background in this page, took me forever and a half! all the effort! haha! man, i gotta finish drawing the next page, but i also got an exam on tuesday and saturday! so much studying! (>_<) hmmm... we may have a filler page for friday. i really DON'T want to that, especially so early in the series, but it'll all depend how things go with my exams, lets hope for no filler! especially since i don't know what that would be! oh well....

spread the word! all must know about my awesome comic!

Monday, April 14, 2003
12:39 AM

new page up. changed the archives so that i no longer need descriptions, and its just overall better and easier for me. i'm still working on the next page. i finally got it all drawn out and so now i've got to ink it and computerize it! i gotta get my butt moving faster, but my final exams have just started and i NEED to do some serious studying! we'll see how well that goes... oh well. enjoy the page, and i'll try to finish the next one for friday!

Sunday, April 06, 2003
11:04 PM

Yup. the page is up. The next two pages are also ready to go up, and thank heavens for that! i only did the first ten pages for my comic class and all those have been drawn, inked, and computerized, but after that i got nothing but thumbnail sketches! and the next 2 pages are gonna be kinda hard for me because one involes a nice detailed background and complicated building (complicated for me) and the next one has some weird body positioning . . . . but after that it gets a bit easier! i'm just a lazy artist and that stuff actually requires REAL effort! and i want it to look at least decent instead of crap, so i must work hard! so its a good thing i've got almost two weeks to get them ready before they need to go up!

on an unrelated note, i hope everyone is enjoying the comic so far, i know it's been kind of depressing and sad, but its about to get much much better! thers even a bit of action coming up! not THAT kind of action! you sickos! LOL! so no worries, the story is going to start moving along quicker and we get to meet some more main characters pretty soon, so were getting to the good stuff (at least according to me! I'M super excited!)!

Oh yeah, i also added a counter (because i'm curious to see how many, if anyone, actually visits this site!) and a guestbook for those of you who find e-mail a hassle! so feel free to sign it so that i can see how it looks with REAL comments inside! HAHA!

ok... enough sleep-deprived ramblings from me! i need some zzz's so that i can go to class and do some serious doodling for this comic! thats were all the real brain work happens! in class! so go to school kiddies, it's good for you! LOL!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2003
2:12 AM

Well, having a bit of trouble actually going to bed (and i have an 8:30 class today! curse my awakedness!) so i'm putting up the next page now instead of later like my lazyness would normally do! so lucky you folks! the next page is all colored and itching to get up here! this is exciting! i'm almost through the first ten pages, and then we get to meet another central character! yay!! ok. thats all i'm going to say. there was something else but i can't remember, if i recall i'll post, but until that moment, goodnight.

i must have sleep!

.: Posted by Christal Ashton

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